What Dr. melodye does best
Dr. Melodye Hilton customizes her leadership training & coaching to meet a person or organization’s specific goals and objectives.
What Dr. Melodye Does Best
Specialty focused consulting
Valuegenic Corporate Culture Development
Core Values Index™ Training & coaching
Neuro-Axiological Cognitive Remodeling Training (NCRT)
Axiogenics Self-Leadership Development Training and Executive Coaching
Hiring, Selection, and Onboarding
Diversity and belonging
Validation Quotient (VQ) Profile
Moral Leadership
Specialty-Focused Consulting
Dr. Melodye customizes her leadership and team training to build a valuegenic corporate culture. This will support organizational goals and objectives dealing specifically with its greatest asset—people. Dr. Melodye works with upper management in its ability to understand, lead, and empower interdependent work groups where each person has the potential to reach actualization of purpose. In order to do this, she educates leaders through a unique, relevant inventory of leadership principles and scientific processes, which she delivers with an esteemed personal approach.
Valuegenic Corporate Culture Development
Three fold-ability: Lifting people to their A-Game through Neuro-Axiology, Revealing each person’s innate unchanging nature through The Core Values Index™ (CVI™), and Dr. Melodye’s training and corporate coaching.
By combining Axiogenics, VQ Profiling, and CVI, Dr. Melodye brings an extraordinarily robust, science-driven, heart-filled approach to executive leadership development.
Most approaches to talent, leadership, and organizational culture development lack a firm foundation of science-driven, value-generative guiding principles and practices. Without such a foundation, improvement and development efforts are likely to lack cohesiveness and sustainability. Over time, becoming incongruent and inconsistent.
Just as the science of physics reveals the universal principles of aero-dynamics that enable planes to fly, the science neuro-axiology at the heart of Axiogenics reveals the universal principles of value dynamics that enable individual and organizational performance to “fly” to new heights
Axiogenics principles are not “made up” theories, feel-good / sound-good new-age philosophies, or tired old ideas wrapped up in fancy new language. These principles are rooted in recent scientific developments and have the power to inspire the human spirt and unlock people’s potential at a whole new level. TAKE YOUR VQ ASSESSMENT HERE!
The Core Values Index™ (CVI™) is also a powerful tool in building a culture of validation by the understanding and celebration of each person’s innate unchanging nature. This assessment is one of the simplest, most versatile tools you can find for improving an individual’s self awareness and awareness of others. They learn to recognize and value the different contributions within team in order to maximize each individual’s highest and best. If you are an employee, business owner or someone who wants to learn more about your core values, then the next few minutes could positively affect you, your friends and coworkers for years to come. TAKE YOUR CVI ASSESSMENT HERE NOW.
The Core Values Index™ (CVI™) Master Trainer and Executive Coach
It’s a revolutionary assessment created by Taylor Protocols Inc. that bypasses personality and behavior revealing your unchanging motivational drivers and sense for how you are wired to contribute to the world around you.
Discover your innate core values, your wired-in Human Operating System™, your six types of contribution, your negative conflict strategies, your deepest fears with 97% repeat score reliability so it is stable data that is diagnostic and prescribes change. Begin your discovery of Core Values Consciousness, a new pathway to personal excellence and happiness.
This assessment is one of the simplest, most versatile tools you can find for improving an individual’s self awareness and awareness of others. If you are an employee, business owner or someone who wants to learn more about your core values, then the next few minutes could positively affect you, your friends and coworkers for years to come.
When you contract Dr. Melodye Hilton to provide the Core Values Index™ and/or Axiogenics (VQ Profile®) executive coaching/training’, a portion of your payment will be given to charity and an additional percentage will be placed in Hilton Consulting’s Scholarship fund. Thank you for making a difference!
Spend less than 10 minutes and discover in your profile report:
What causes you to conflict with others.
What values you base a majority of your decisions on.
Why you make the same mistakes over and over.
How you can improve your relationships with others.

“I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker currently working in the capacity as an Outpatient Psychotherapist. In my field, I’ve attended numerous trainings based upon the “personality” make up of others, which assisted me in mastering therapeutic interventions. But never before had I had the pleasure of exploring the Core Value Index. This training was outside of the therapeutic realm, yet taught me how to master myself by learning the core values that make me who I am and how they affect every aspect of my life. I was able to learn in depth about the values that shape my thought processes, how my values manifest in times of triumph and stagnate in times of fear. I learned more about who I am and how I think than I have in numerous years. My only regret is not learning my core values sooner! The training literally allowed me to–as Dr. Hilton would say–“shift my life from default to design.” Not only has the program assisted me with identifying which value I’m operating in, it has assisted me in my practice as well. I’m able to identify my values as well as the values of others and find creative strategies to meet their therapeutic needs.” R.D.
Neuro-Axiological Cognitive Remodeling Training (NCRT)

NCRT — Neuro-Axiological Cognitive Remodeling Technology/Training: an extraordinarily simple and cost-effective mind-brain based method for quickly teaching people how to maximize their BEST ways of thinking while minimizing their worst in pursuit of any worthwhile goal.
NCRT is the basis of our Valuegenic Self-Leadership Development program and a game-changing pedagogy that can be integrated into and dramatically increase the ROI virtually any other learning and development effort.
Most people already know the changes they need to make on the inside (within themselves) to achieve the things they want to achieve or make better / different on the outside (in their life or work). What they lack most is an effective way to make and sustain those changes in themselves — in their own thinking.
The Axiogenics Valuegenic Self-Leadership Development program quickly teaches people the foundational core competency / master life skills of Valuegenic Self-Leadership.
In this game-changing program people learn how to turn their potential into unprecedented results by maximizing their Cognitive Assets while minimizing their Cognitive Biases and Liabilities. The learning process takes place within the context of the individual’s specific goals and aspirations and in three crucial areas:
- Clarity of Purpose – What do I want and why?
- Active Mindfulness – When and how do my subconscious Cognitive Liabilities and habits get in the way of my success and happiness.
- Wisdom in Action – How can I use the wisdom of my Cognitive Assets to be the person I aspire to be and achieve the things I want to achieve?

When you contract Dr. Melodye Hilton to provide the Core Values Index™ and/or Axiogenics (VQ Profile®) executive coaching/training’, a portion of your payment will be given to charity and an additional percentage will be placed in Hilton Consulting’s Scholarship fund. Thank you for making a difference!
The VQ Self-Leadership Development program is a unique and practical framework. It has taught me to recognize mental habits that negatively affect my ability to make good decisions, as well as to use more effective ways of thinking to consistently contribute towards my goals. Through this program, and through the excellent coaching from Dr. Melodye Hilton, I have learned to make better choices in the midst of challenges, and enjoy greater fulfillment within my personal life and relationships. Y.R.
Hiring, Selection, and Onboarding
Both the The Core Values Index™ (CVI™) and neuro-axiology (NCRT) are a valuable support for hiring, selection, and onboarding.
The Axiogenics VQ Profile® is a scientifically-validated, objective, and highly-accurate diagnosis of the nature and quality of a person’s thinking from 36 different perspectives. It identifies their Cognitive Assets, Biases and Liabilities – their good and not-so-good ways of thinking. The assessment reveals how their thinking can influence their job performance including their temperament, attitudes motivations, fears, decisions, choices, actions, reactions, and interactions.
No personality or behavioral assessment, interview, or resume can tell you what a VQ Profile® can tell you!
Post-Hire Coaching:
The VQ Profile® is also an integral part of the game-changing Valuegenic Self-Leadership development program. By integrating self-leadership into your onboarding process, your new employee can become a high-value contributor faster than ever!
Diversity can often appear as value-signaling or checking off the proverbial boxes; but what will set relationships and organizations apart is the value they hold for each individual with all their unique differences. It’s not a process, system, or structure that will empower the beauty of belonging, but the heart posturing. Dr. Melodye published her book, Unmasking Prejudice: Silencing the Internal Voice of Bigotry, which communicates her heart to confront pre-judgment on every level. This passion also inspired her philanthropic work through the #StopDevaluation movement, which has opened up doors of opportunity and relationships with leaders nationally and internationally.
In Dr. Melodye’s pursuit for valuegenic relationships and corporate culture, she incorporates proven science-based principles and processes that confirm the intrinsic worth of every human being and their innate nature to contribute to society. The training, coaching, and processes will cause individuals to engage their best ways of thinking, create net value, and empower authentic belonging in both their personal and professional spheres of influence.
VQ Profile – Ability to Measure Thinking
The scientifically validated VQ Profile® quickly and accurately measures all the ways a person thinks to identify their best and less than best ways of thinking. That breakthrough ability is what gave rise to the entire science of neuro-axiology and a fundamental paradigm shift for coaching, talent, and leadership development, and even leadership itself.
Most people only bring their mental “A-Game” – their best thinking, talent, and wisdom – about 15% of the time. The other 85% is dominated by their “B-Game” – deeply-rooted, mostly subconscious mental habits, biases, and beliefs that limit or undermine their potential and performance.
Billions of dollars are spent each year on mainstream “solutions” that are well-intentioned but ill-equipped and ineffective at producing meaningful, measurable, and lasting improvements in thinking and performance.
The science of neuro-axiology
(mind-brain science + value science)
is a true game-changer.
Dr. Melodye Hilton has the science-driven tools and methods needed to assess how people think and to train them to unlock and unleash more of the untapped A-Game they already have to produce unprecedented improvements in their quality of life and work.
Dr. Melodye will be able to help you apply this ground-breaking, science-driven, game-changing approach to create unprecedented results throughout entire organizations. TAKE YOUR VQ ASSESSMENT HERE!
Dr. Melodye has developed a unique repertoire of leadership training which empowers individuals to lead well from an internal positioning of moral authority. Topics include: Extending and Building Trust, The Process of Thought, Culture of Validation, The Power of Empathy, Developing Your Personal Purpose, etc.
As a behavioral analyst, Dr. Melodye utilizes the DISC, VALUES & TEAMS profiling systems. She, however, uses these tools in a unique way to reveal adaptation and personal preference and how it impacts and influences a person’s innate unchanging nature. In addition, recognizing how early years and emotionally-charged life events can shape our cognitive biases or assets.
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