Everyday Justice



When someone chooses to expose a misuse of power and stand for what is right, they initiate the reshaping of the culture to come.  Throughout history,  courageous voices were compelling enough to motivate government to enact legislation to defend the vulnerable. Their sacrifices and unwavering determination modeled a way of life that challenged the masses to confront their biases and bigotry.

A clarion call persists as our world continues to experience an epidemic of prejudice, mistrust, and injustice. Not everyone has the position or platform to influence the laws of the land from the highest courts; but every one of us has the power of influence to impact the lives of those around us just by doing what is right. Through simple acts of kindness, we can be voices of everyday justice as we choose to use our power for good.



When someone chooses to expose a misuse of power and stand for what is right, they initiate the reshaping of the culture to come.  Throughout history,  courageous voices were compelling enough to motivate government to enact legislation to defend the vulnerable. Their sacrifices and unwavering determination modeled a way of life that challenged the masses to confront their biases and bigotry.

A clarion call persists as our world continues to experience an epidemic of prejudice, mistrust, and injustice. Not everyone has the position or platform to influence the laws of the land from the highest courts; but every one of us has the power of influence to impact the lives of those around us just by doing what is right. Through simple acts of kindness, we can be voices of everyday justice as we choose to use our power for good.


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