Our Rights vs. Our Good
OUR RIGHTS VS. OUR GOOD A BLOG POST BY DR. MELODYE HILTON Politics and parties aside, I write today from my heart, my experience, and my passion for true justice. I am a proud citizen of a country who prides itself on being a land of freedom and a home for the brave....
Introduction to Higher Living Leadership
INTRODUCTION TO HIGHER LIVING LEADERSHIP HIGHER LIVING LEADERSHIP AVAILABLE NOW ON AMAZON, iBOOKS, AND BARNES & NOBLE Introduction to the book Higher Living Leadership by Dr. Melodye Hilton Culture is a reproducible system of beliefs that shape the actions of...
Dismantling the Pain of Prejudice
Has prejudice escalated? Or has it just become more visible because of technology and the intensity of its in-your-face expression? Either way, it is harmful for those consumed in its prison and it is dangerously contagious for those swayed by its display. Many are...
Will Prejudice Ever End?
I feel like a crusader wielding my written and verbal sword against prejudice. My earliest remembrances of anger, frustration, even activism were fighting against all types of prejudice, injustice, and corruption. At 18, convinced I could change the world, I packed my...
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